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We are conditioned to assume that when we have a job we should have all the answers, and are a failure if we don’t – the reality is that no-one has all the answers and the people who appear to make their work life effortless often have mentors or coaches supporting them. If you would like help with any aspect of your attitude towards work, then you’re in the right place.


Think you have imposter syndrome? Got a promotion or a new job and wonder how you landed it, or more to the point if you can pull it off? We all have self- doubt at times, the difference between those who seem to effortlessly navigate life and those that don’t is largely down to confidence. We can’t promise to make you confident overnight, but we can support you and give you tools to make your job easier.

Mentoring is typically offered when you start a new role but need a little extra support – not to do the job but to have a sounding board. Who does the MD/CEO turn to when they are not sure? Our mentoring service provides a level of security and support during the critical 30/60/90-day period – helping you stay on track, achieve objectives and establish your new relations. We have mentors who can help from senior managers to FTSE chairs – give us a call to find out more.



There are times when you have a specific issue related to work – though often this will flow over into your life too. Unfortunately, one common issue is either work colleagues or bosses who are simply making your life miserable. It is easy to say change jobs but often this is not possible – however there are techniques which can ensure you keep your job without it making you miserable. Equally there are times when the time is right for you to make a change rather than you managing your colleague/boss.


In today’s climate it is easy to get caught up in work and feel like you need to be on the ball 110% of the time. The problem is you can end up feeling burnt out, overwhelmed and not able to make good decisions, always checking yourself. Taking space can help – giving yourself permission to draw a breath and take stock. We shouldn’t need to be told to slow up but often we work in passive aggressive environments which send conflicting messages.

Talk to one of our consultants to see how in just a few sessions you can reclaim your sanity at work by using techniques to give you the space and confidence to work at your pace to achieve optimum results.



We have worked with a diverse range of people both and home and abroad over the years – see what some of them have to say about their experience of working with us.


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