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Over the years we have helped numerous individuals and businesses achieve the change they want, here are just a few of the things they have to say about their experience.

“When I went to stay with Lucy I was at a point of real change in my life. I had turned 50, spent the previous three years supporting my parents through illness culminating with both passing away, and gone through the menopause. I also have two teenage boys and was working full time running my own business.

As soon as I walked into Lucy’s charming house in beautiful Middleham I felt at home. Coffee in hand and perched on the sofa with a piece of cake, we started to chat – nothing too serious! Later on after a lovely lunch we went for a drive and a walk, talking in quite a casual way. It didn’t feel like ‘structured life coaching’ but like opening up to a friend.

That afternoon we did sit down and it was a chance to talk about my concerns and hopes for the future. I was on the cusp of closing my own business and taking up a very senior-level role – although I had gone through a lengthy interview process to get this I was still not feeling confident. Lucy brought everything back to simple processes and techniques that I could use in my first months to build my leadership role, and I took copious notes.

That night I felt a mixture of growing confidence and panic. I think it was all the old anxieties coming out and a gradual acceptance of change coming. The next day, during another amazing walk beside rippling water, I had a bit of a cry and another talk with Lucy about how I could move forward. After a final cup of tea in the sunshine I got back in my car feeling positive and up for new challenges. Lucy will continue to mentor me through weekly sessions that will give me an objective eye and constructive guidance in the first months of my new job. I’m really looking forward to it!”

“Having left a job I loved, but which didn’t 100% fulfil me I decided to take some time out and then Covid hit. I had started looking for work but my strategy for looking for my next role was all over the place. Talking through things with Lucy helped me identify what I really wanted from my work life, especially in terms of it dovetailing with my home life.

Articulating a clear plan made the search for work much easier – and less stressful. I had a direction of travel and kept to it. A few months after initially speaking I found a great role which used the skills I had acquired through a host of previous jobs AND fitted my lifestyle!”

“Lucy is a determined leader who offers an unparalled support and wellbeing offer to her colleagues, always putting the person before business.

She is a creative coach that is always seeking to inspire employees and made a critical intervention in her time at MHCLG to ensure the culture of working supported those who were experiencing personal struggles throughout the pandemic. Her experience in this sector is second-to-none.”


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