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It's not just people who need a little help seeing the wood for the tree’s – businesses do too. If your business needs a fresh perspective or someone to ask the awkward questions, see how we can help facilitate the change you are looking for.


Businesses like individuals sometimes need a third party to stress test their strategy or even to help facilitate the process of formulating the strategy in the first place. Scott Gray Associates has been helping companies for the past ten years working with senior leadership teams and MD’s or CEO’s navigate their way through business change and direction.

Typically we work with your teams to help get the clarity you need to propel your business forward, ensuring the strategy is focused on key objectives. All too often businesses confuse operational issues with strategy, when in fact it is essential to keep the strategy simple and at a high level, building the operational plan once the strategy has been signed off. If you think you or your team would benefit from a third party helping you with your strategy, contact us….



Whilst we hate to admit it, we have all had to either manage a difficult employee or worked for a tricky boss – both can make life miserable, especially if you have no choice than to stick with your current role. However, the good news is you can be helped to manage these situations. The key is remembering that you cannot change the other person – and why would you want to, its all about how YOU manage your reaction to that person.

If you would like to talk to us about help with managing difficult relationships, then reach out to us today and start the process of reducing your stress and anxiety.


As a result of the experience built up over a number of years, we are often asked to facilitate meetings. Our lead consultant Lucy Keightley has over ten years of experience working in global health, predominantly in cardiovascular disease and obesity. Coming originally from a technology background Lucy is able to talk around the experience of both patients and healthcare professionals when it comes to the adoption of technology, especially as a result of the recent pandemic and accelerated uptake of digital access to healthcare.

If you would like to find out more or are looking for a facilitator get in touch.



We have worked with a diverse range of people both and home and abroad over the years – see what some of them have to say about their experience of working with us.


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