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Every now and again it’s good to stop and take stock of your life. Whether it’s just to check in with yourself or to embark and feel out a major change, we can help make the experience more comfortable and facilitate your thinking.


Let’s be honest, coaching is just a fancy name for talking your issues/challenges/thoughts through with someone – it has become a huge industry and there are any forms of coaching available out there, the thing is to find what’s best for you.

Unless you know that you have an issue which needs specialist guidance such as serious mental health issues or past trauma, then Scott Gray can help. Specialising in a questioning technique known as non-directive coaching, the practice is more about active listening and asking powerful questions – the idea being that only you really know what you want to do next, and you will only be motivated by something which sparks your passion – not by being told to do something by someone else!

Clients will often start off thinking they know where their issue lies – for example being dissatisfied by their job but after even one or two sessions the problem is in fact related to something else, money for example or confidence. To that end no assumptions are made, and it is not simple case of work vs personal life, often they are intertwined.



We are able to offer on an exclusive basis retreats for those wanting to have one to one coaching, a change of scene and optional walking/talking sessions in the glorious Yorkshire Dales. These are tailored to the individual and can be discussed by phone or video to build a programme to suit you.


Sometimes small jobs can seem insurmountable and you keep putting them off, often leaving you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

Lucy’s Life Laundry helps you to work through all sorts of life’s issues, whether its tackling household admin, de-cluttering the garage or needing help to downsize. Often these situations cause stress when they are not dealt with, and having an impartial helping hand can quickly help you achieve things you have been putting off.



If you have got to the stage where you know you are out of whack but don’t know what to do next, then maybe you’re ready for a life reset. Sometimes you don’t actually need a problem that needs fixing, just a chance to explore your current lifestyle and check in with yourself as to whether it is giving you what you want. Often, we meander through life with no clear path and then wonder why we feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled. This isn’t to say you need lofty ideas of achieving magnificence, just goals which are very personal to you.

If you are interested in a bit of a life audit, give us a call or get in touch.


We have worked with a diverse range of people both and home and abroad over the years – see what some of them have to say about their experience of working with us.


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